Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fierce: It's the only way to be

Hello and welcome to my world! I started thinking about doing this blog months ago. I did what I do best and procrastinated until a few weeks ago. A person that I still considered a friend had a blog. She was transparent in her writings and passionate in her thoughts. She left us way too early. So I decided to sort of pick up her torch (not that I will ever be as eloquent as she) and start my own little community in the blog world. I hadn't spoken to her in years but I kept up with her and her family through Facebook, as she did mine. I wish I would have taken the time to tell her how much I enjoyed her quips online and how I appreciated her allowing us into her world via words. I'm an almost-single mom of two kids. No, I never imagined that that term, 'almost-single' would ever apply to me but alas, here I am. Of course, I was devastated when he declared that he wanted a divorce and moved out, but I'm still here. I still get up every morning and I find something to smile about daily. I love my kiddos and I am determined to show them that no matter what happens in life: they can still be Fierce....because it's the only way to be! I'm excited to start this blog! I've often struggled with transparency for fear of judgement or ridicule but I've come to the realization that folks are going to do and say what they want. I have decided that no matter the uncertainties that Life throws my way, with the help of God, I'll stay Fierce!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Fierceness, wear it my girl! I am proud of you. You are right, people will say and do what they want, all you can do is, be you! Can't wait to read more!
